Video clip: Simon Williams

Here’s an interview with English grandmaster Simon Williams, who won a spectacular game today in a Botvinnik Semi-Slav against the young Danish IM Simon Bekker-Jensen. This is how it finished: Bekker Jensen,S (2405) – Williams,Si (2498) 25…Nf4+ 26.Kg1 Nde2+ and resigned because of 27.Bxe2 Qg3+! and mate. [vsw id=”VGBy3fDcIAA” source=”youtube” width=”560″ height=”315″ autoplay=”no”]


Cinderella overslept!

So far, one of the surprises of the tournament has been the American Adarsh Jayakumar. Despite allowing a draw against a 1600 in the first round and then getting a 1610 rated player in the 2nd round, he was remarkably on course for an IM norm after 5 rounds! He followed his sub-par performance in…


Video clip: Anish Giri

Anish Giri and Alexander Ipatov played each other in round 5 of the Reykjavik Open. Before the game, instead of preparing for the game both of them joined the Golden Circle tour, between 08:30 in the morning and 15:30 in the afternoon. At the board, Giri won convincingly, finishing with an hour extra on the…


A bit too creative

It’s a widely known phrase that “doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result” is the definition of insanity. Well…I don’t know if the player with black in this game is insane but he certainly tried to be creative and not do the same thing over and over!! Thank you for…


What to do when computer breaks down?

Ivan Sokolov has the answer. Ivan has been having some bad luck lately in life and chess. He suffered a setback early in the tournament and now his computer has broken down because of this crap they call Windows 8!! So what can you do with no preparation vs a solid WGM? White: Lenka Ptacnikova…
