april, 2022
Event Details
The Icelandic Backgammon Association, will organize a special backgammon event during the Kvika Reykjavík Open 2022. The Backgammon tournament
Event Details
The Icelandic Backgammon Association, will organize a special backgammon event during the Kvika Reykjavík Open 2022. The Backgammon tournament will be held on monday April 11th.
The tournament starts around 19.30 hours.
We will play „double elimination“ system. The matches are played to 7 points but 5 points after one loss.
Entry fee and prizes
Entry fee is 40 euros, 20% of the entry fee goes to Icelandic Backgammon Federation. Of the prize fund, 40% goes to the player that enters the final without a loss, 20% to the player who enters with one loss and then the winner of the final will get the remaining 40%
We will also have some kind prices.
Registration can be handed to Róbert Lagerman, e-mail chesslion@hotmail.com, who is one of the distinguished Reykjavik Open arbiters, or simply at the chess-tournament info-desk.
To be announced.
Gens una sumus
Mánudaginn 11. apríl verður haldið kotrumót í Hörpu. Um er að ræða Special event á Reykjavíkurmótinu í skák. Notast verður double elimination, leikir upp í sjö á meðan keppendur eru taplausir en upp í fimm eftir eitt tap. Sá einstaklingur sem fer taplaus í úrslit fær 40% af verðlaununum, sá sem fer með eitt tap fær 20% og 40% fara til sigurvegarans. Þátttökugjald er 5000 krónur. Mæting er 18:30.
(Monday) 8:00 pm
Harpa - Concert- and conference centre
Austurbakki 2, Reykjavik
Harpa - Concert- and conference centreAusturbakki 2, Reykjavik